Step 1:Process & Criteria

Step 2:Personal Details

Step 3:About You

Step 4:Why NOBS?

Step 5:Submit

Member Application

Please fill in the application form if you wish to become one of the N0BS.

Each field is required and please feel free to go into detail and let us know anything that you think will help with the application.

Process & Criteria

This application form is the first stage and will take no more than 5-10 minutes to complete. We will review the applications and follow up with a call to discuss your application.

After this, the board will review the full application and we will notify you of our decision.

If you have been approved, you will get a link to complete the sign up process right away.

The entire process takes around 10-12 working days.

Step 1

Step 2

Step 3

Book AnIntro Call
Step 4

Step 5

Welcome toN0BS

Personal Details

About You

Why N0BS?

Review & Submit

Personal Details>

First Name*
Last Name*
Email Address*
Telephone Number*
LinkedIn URL*
Website URL

About You>

Tell us about who you are as a person…*

Are you currently part of any other memberships/organisations? If so, which ones?*

What are your business goals and personal goals over the next year?*

What challenges are you currently facing?*

Why NOBS?>

Tell us why you want to join N0BS in as much detail as possible*

What value do you think you could bring to N0BS?*

How did you hear about the club?*

What membership tier are you most interested in?*

Did anyone refer you to us? If so, who?*